The name of the store is Urban Think! It is a delightful little place, situated in downtown Orlando, in the hip and happening neighborhood of Thornton Park. (You want to hear the crazy thing? I can walk there from my kids’ school!) As you can see below, they have comfy little places to curl up, they have wireless access of course, some nice unplugged music in the background, and under the same roof, a bar called “Infusion Tea” where you can not only get some great hot or cold herbal tea (free with book purchase), you can also have a glass of vino. OK, so why would I want to leave this place?
From browsing their website here, I see they have frequent events, signings, etc. You can shop online as well as in person. They guarantee their online prices are $1 over Amazon, which is fair. If you spend enough each year on buying online, you consider signing up as an Online Urban Thinker for $79, and all your shipping is free. This will also grant you 25% off your in-store purchases. Hmmm…that would be like opening Pandora’s box for me!
I vowed that if I purchased anything, it would be something that contributed to my reading challenges. I walked away with Jack Kerouac’s On the Road for my classics reading challenge, and Elie Wiesel’s Night for my WWII reading challenge.So I got out of my comfort zone yesterday, and I’m glad I did it. I intend to do a little more exploring around town, and see what else I can find!